
Virtual Humans On iOS With Apple ARKit

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Sunday, June 25th, 2017
CR2D1-17(Room 201)

Virtual Humans On iOS With Apple ARKit

Quantum Capture will present a workflow for producing interactive virtual humans on an iPad using Apple’s new ARKit augmented reality platform and Unreal 4. Topics covered include: Preparing a 3D scan for real-time applications, Setting up Unreal 4 for ARKit projects, Photo-realism within the constraints of ARKit, Deploying your AR app to the iPad Pro. Attendees will benefit from having a basic knowledge of 3D modelling, Unreal 4 and iOS development.

Morgan Young
Morgan Young – CEO, Co-Founder | Quantum Capture

Morgan Young is a seasoned AAA game developer and Virtual Reality entrepreneur. He is a passionate, self-driven 3D artist dedicated to producing the highest caliber of digital content, and pushing the medium of Virtual Reality and 3D scanning forward.

In his role as CEO of Quantum Capture, Morgan leads his team’s pursuit of developing the highest quality virtual human technology for VR and AR. Morgan and his partners have designed a state of the art photogrammetry and motion capture pipeline in order to create the most believable and realistic 3D Humans possible. The company is now commercialising their unique technology through a middleware solution called Quantum Human which will provide VR/AR content creators with an unprecedented ability to put virtual humans into their productions.

Morgan’s previous credits include working as a 3D artist at Ubisoft Toronto on blockbuster titles such as Assassin’s Creed Unity and Splinter Cell Blacklist.

Craig Alguire
Craig Alguire – CTO, Co-Founder | Quantum Capture

Craig Alguire is a technical artist and 3D developer with experience in both the indie and AAA sectors. Emerging technology and R&D are his primary passions. As CTO of Quantum Capture, Craig has designed and constructed the company’s state of the art 3D scanning system and Virtual Humans production pipeline capable of producing photorealistic real-time graphics with a specific focus on creating digital humans for VR/AR.

Craig was previously the Technical Director at 3Di Solutions before joining the VFX team at Ubisoft Toronto. 3Di were pioneers in interactivity utilizing massive touchscreens and gesture technology for real-time 3D games, TV and installations. At Ubisoft, Craig has shipped Splinter Cell Blacklist, Far Cry 4 and an unannounced title. Since 2008 he has also been a Professor at Centennial College teaching the Unreal Engine and game design in the Game Art and Design program to the next generation of game developers.

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Virtual Humans On iOS With Apple ARKit