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By registering for VRTO 2022, you consent to the following Registration Policies:
Age Limits
No one under the age of 13 is permitted in the Exhibit Halls or Sessions.
Audio / Visual Policy
By registering for VRTO 2022, you consent to VRTO’s Audio / Video Policy.
Photography and/or recording (including audio and video) during VRTO is allowed for personal and private use only.
Photos and/or recordings of Exhibits in the Exhibit Halls may require the permission of the Exhibitor.
Photos and/or recordings cannot be copied, altered, sold, exhibited or further distributed without VRTO’s prior written consent.
Photos and/or recordings are the exclusive property of VRTO. VRTO retains the right to revoke consent.
No disruptions due to photography and/or recording shall be allowed and violators may lose attendance privileges.
Photography and/or recording is prohibited in any Workshop, Speaker and Panel sessions in the Auditorium. No public streaming of presentations is allowed.