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July 10, 2024
12:00 pm-12:30 pm
CEO/Founder of Orion Digital Innovations and Creations Inc. (Orion Digital Inc.) | Toronto, Canada
Demystifying the connection between humanity and technology through an examination of XR today and AI use cases tomorrow. This talk will be led by Creative Technologist Debbie Deer. Debbie will be referencing her work with the Performance and XR/Single Thread Theatre IBPOC Fellowship and their project ‘Hidden Place’.
She will also connect her research into ancient simulation theory (such as the Dogan, Hindu, Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek Cultures) and how this has been used throughout time to deconstruct the meaning and mechanics of life. Parallels will also be drawn in how the natural intelligence of life influences and informs our future with AI. This will all end with a concept video or VR demo for the piece ‘You Are The AI.”