
Readiness For a Hybrid Future: Accelerate VR Innovation Fluidly Between Digital and Physical Spaces

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July 21, 2022
11:50-12:20 am

With the constant race to blend virtual and physical worlds becoming the norm, VR technology is reaching an exhilarating point of palpable maturity to be a key player in supporting organizations’ competitive and sustainable initiatives. In this talk, we’ll go over the main pillars of transformation happening in VR by showcasing the latest advancements in the industry and how much needed infrastructure, like the enterprise platform VIROO, is supporting organizations and Unity-based VR creators to build rich hybrid ecosystems that accelerate VR adoption across their value chain at scale.

Michael Rosas
Michael Rosas | VP and General Manager of Virtualware, Virtualware |

Michael Rosas is a promoter of future innovation, and die-hard early adopter of XR technology. His passion is to help team leaders create a positive impact for their company and clients, utilizing the latest in immersive technology.

As VP General Manager at Virtualware, Michael’s mission is providing businesses with clear strategies on how to level up their collaborative research, prototyping, design, training and marketing environments to stay ahead of the curve in today’s globally connected digital landscape.

Using cutting-edge Virtual Reality tools like Virtualware’s award-winning Enterprise Solution of the Year Platform – VIROO, Michael and his team are consistently creating innovative solutions for businesses to work in real-time 3D “virtually” from anywhere in the world.

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Readiness For a Hybrid Future: Accelerate VR Innovation Fluidly Between Digital and Physical Spaces