
Hybrid Digital Art: The Genesis

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Saturday, June 16th, 2018
CR2D1-18 (Room 201)

Hybrid Digital Art: The Genesis

Every day we are exposed to myriad streams of content created by artists and designers using powerful 3D software programs. Freud coined the term ‘uncanny’ to refer to things that are strangely familiar and Masahiro Mori referred to the ‘uncanny valley’ of photo-realistic CGI as we approach an increasingly perfect simulation of reality. It’s often assumed that this level or realism is achieved with the click of a button—to some extent it is.

However, to erase all traces of software it takes a dedicated team of people countless hours. In this session Trudy Elmore will review the concepts, techniques and implications for artists. She will discuss how independent artists using these new tools and methods of creation are contending with the expectations of an audience desensitized by industrialized CGI and what the future holds for practitioners of this alchemic art form.

Trudy Elmore
Trudy Elmore | Creative Director, Artist and Animator

Obsessed with mythology and technology, Trudy Elmore is best known for translating the dramatic narrative and theatrical posturing of classical painting into the digital realm. Based in animation, installation and print, her practice explores issues of impermanence and technological evolution. Elmore won the Governor Generals Award and EQ Bank’s Emerging Digital Artist Award, her work has been featured internationally on the Trinity Square V/Art Projects mobile VR app and recently she was hosted by Harvard University as a guest speaker.

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Hybrid Digital Art: The Genesis