
Game Over: How a $215B AR Market Will Gamify Everything

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Monday, June 18th, 2018
CR1D3-18 (Room 204)

Game Over: How a $215B AR Market Will Gamify Everything

With “Big Movement Gaming”, the next generation of AR game, you can incentivize volunteers to build housing for the homeless. Get kids to stay off the streets and away from gangs. Build stories that get players exploring their city, for profit, for social good, and for community fun. For the first time the power of gamification can be verifiably tied to real world behavior in a way that can be massively scaled up because it is computer-administered.

In the DotCom Boom, you played with information. In the AR Boom, you’re playing for real. Make real friends, visit real locations, get drawn into retail stores, and interactive with their staff. Everything is bigger with AR gaming. The visuals are as compelling as Reality TV. Your heart gets pumping and you feel more the victories and defeats. There’s no better way to build streamer content.

Laugh and be thrilled by stunts on stage. Learn practical lessons, with AR design that retains players for years, and business models for your own $1 billion AR game.

See a sneak preview at and his AR stunt videos at

John Montsarrat
Johnny Monsarrat, Founder | Monsarrat, Inc.

Johnny Monsarrat arguably invented MMO gaming in 1994, now a $20B industry, as founder of Turbine, now part of Warner Bros. Now he runs Monsarrat, the world’s best qualified team to surpass Pokemon Go in augmented reality, with Big Movement Gaming. He is a Guinness World Record holder and Ivy League award-winning speaker.

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Game Over: How a $215B AR Market Will Gamify Everything