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Prof. Steve Mann with accompaniment by Splashtones
“For 40+ years I’ve lived everyday life in a tetherless free-roaming virtual reality universe of my own making where I could see sound and radio waves, and more profoundly, others’ sight. My most profound discovery was not what was inside that universe, but what was at its societal boundaries.
Immediately pressing, are the risks that humanistically intelligent entities, augmented by surveillance pose right now. This sensory intelligence augmentation technology is already developed enough to be dangerous in the wrong hands, e.g. as a way for a corrupt entity to augment its power and use it unjustly [Minsky, Kurzweil, Mann 2013].
Accordingly, we on the panel invite all of you to be not just signatories to the “laws” of human augmentation, but to participate in the drafting and ratification of the written draft of these “laws” in Toronto on the morning of June 26th, 2016.
Steve Mann, Chief Scientist,
Steven Mann (born 1962) is a Canadian researcher and inventor best known for his work on computational photography, particularly wearable computing and high dynamic range imaging. Prof. Mann holds a PhD in Media Arts (1997) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a B.Sc., B.Eng. and M.Eng. from McMaster University in 1987,1989 and 1992, respectively. He was also inducted into the McMaster University Alumni Hall of Fame, Alumni Gallery 2004, in recognition of his career as an inventor and teacher. While at MIT, in then Director Nicholas Negroponte’s words “Steve Mann…brought the seed” that founded the Wearable Computing group in the Media Lab and “Steve Mann is the perfect example of someone…who persisted in his vision and ended up founding a new discipline.” In 2004 he was named the recipient of the 2004 Leonardo Award for Excellence for his article “Existential Technology,” published in Leonardo 36:1.
He is also General Chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, Associate Editor of IEEE Technology and Society, is a licensed Professional Engineer, and Senior Member of the IEEE.