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One of the most important aspects of immersive VR is proper interaction with the virtual world. In this talk we will go through how to handle physics in VR – showing the latest tools and techniques used for VR games. We will go over best ways to handle picking up objects, setting the correct world physics and scale, interacting with buttons/triggers, and techniques for giving the camera motion/collision. Aimed at VR game developers this presentation will show you how to implement intuitive and effective VR physics based interaction for your games.
Lee Vermeulen is the co-founder of Alientrap Games, which started in 2002 with the development of the freeware game Nexuiz. Since then Lee has been the lead programmer/producer on all Alientrap titles, including Capsized on Steam/XBLA in 2011, Apotheon on PS4/Steam in 2015, Autocraft on Steam/iOS, Cryptark on PS4/Steam, and is now working on the HTC Vive title Modbox.