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A one-of-a-kind symposium for experiential media and technologies.
The largest Immersive Technologies Conference in Canada
10am-6pm Daily.
[/cth_countdown][cth_addtocalendar event_start=”2019-06-01 10:00:00″ event_end=”2019-06-03 18:00:00″ timezone=”America/Toronto” event_title=”VRTO Conference & Expo 2018″ location=”Toronto” organizer=”VRTO” organizer_email=””]VRTO (Virtual Reality, Toronto) organization hosts their Virtual and Augmented Reality Conference and Expo.[/cth_addtocalendar]
#VRToronto #VRTO2018
~ VRScout
~ Forbes
~Huffington Post
~Kent Bye – Voices of VR Podcast
~ Holor
– Tanya Kelen, CEO & Futurist, kelencontent
~ Eric Weiss – Canadian Film Centre
– Brett Leonard, Director “Lawnmower Man,” “Virtuosity, Co-Founder Studio Lightship
click the dots below to scroll through the complete list, updated daily
*Unapproved live streaming of events via mobile devices is strictly prohibited.
[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Johnny Monsarrat” speakerjob=”Founder (Boston, MA)” speakeravatar=”4221″]Monsarrat, Inc[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Nathalie Mathe” speakerjob=”Creative Director, Founder (San Francisco)” speakeravatar=”4199″]Native VR[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Charlie Fink” speakerjob=”Writer, Producer (New York)” speakeravatar=”4154″]Forbes, “Charlie Fink’s Metaverse“[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Neil Mathew” speakerjob=”CEO (Kitchener, Waterloo)” speakeravatar=”4213″]Vertical AI[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Nyla Innuksuk” speakerjob=”Founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4508″]Mixtape VR[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Ryan Andal” speakerjob=”President, Co-Founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4407″]Secret Location[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Joanna Popper” speakerjob=”Global Head of Virtual Reality, LBE (Los Angeles)” speakeravatar=”4159″]HP[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Paul Darvasi” speakerjob=”Educator, Writer, Game Designer (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4141″]York University[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Sophie Howe” speakerjob=”CEO & Co-Founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4177″]Xesto[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Thomas Wallner” speakerjob=”Founder / CEO (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4569″]Liquid Cinema Inc. / 360Flix[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Jeremy Patterson” speakerjob=”Chief Creative Technology Officer (Ohio)” speakeravatar=”4247″]LittleSeed[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Jeffrey Lynn Damon” speakerjob=”Futurist, Psychonaught, Artist (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4324″][/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Ross Shain” speakerjob=”Chief Product Officer (New York)” speakeravatar=”4412″]Boris FX / Imagineer Systems[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”James McCrae” speakerjob=”CEO (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4415″]Janus VR[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Eliott Edge” speakerjob=”Author, Artist (New York)” speakeravatar=”4375″]Eliott Edge[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Claire Brunet” speakerjob=”PhD Associate Professor (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4494″]OCAD University[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Glenn Cantave” speakerjob=”(New York)” speakeravatar=”4440″]Movers and Shakers[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Bill Perry” speakerjob=”Digital Artist, Publisher (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4338″]WM Perry Digital Text Services[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Tina Madry” speakerjob=”Futurist (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4336″]VR Researcher[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Karan Singh” speakerjob=”Co-Founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4417″]Janus VR[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Karen Kelly” speakerjob=”Managing Partner (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4405″]K2 Performance Consulting[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Adam Cosco” speakerjob=”Writer/Director (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4352″]Canadian Film Center[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Audri Phillips” speakerjob=”Immersive Media specialist/3D Animator (Los Angeles)” speakeravatar=”4498″]Robot Prayers[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Elli Raynai” speakerjob=”Content Creator (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4139″]Cinehackers[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Nick Moshenko” speakerjob=”Founding Partner (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4327″]Designstor[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Shachar “Vice“ Weis” speakerjob=”Founder, CTO (London, Ontario)” speakeravatar=”4143″]Packet39[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Lisa Sokoloff” speakerjob=”Manager, Training & Simulation (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4578″]Baycrest Health Sciences[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Bob Fine” speakerjob=”Editor (Washington, D.C.)” speakeravatar=”4215″]VR Voice[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Tanya Kelen” speakerjob=”CEO (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4621″]kelencontent[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Dustin Freeman” speakerjob=”Founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4496″]Escape Character[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Sergio Ramirez” speakerjob=”Vice President (Mexico)” speakeravatar=”4644″]Virtualware[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Trudy Elmore” speakerjob=”Creative Director, Artist and Animator (Calgary)” speakeravatar=”4602″][/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Claudio R. Rojas JD, MBA” speakerjob=”Managing Director (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4454″]Hurt Capital Inc.[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Lee Vermeulen” speakerjob=”CEO (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4287″]Alientrap Games[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Nathan Weir” speakerjob=”Senior Designer, 3-D Visualization, Creative Studio (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4391″]FORREC Ltd.[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Sabarish Gnanamoorthy” speakerjob=”Founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4537″]WaypointAR[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”James Des Roches” speakerjob=”GPLLM Candidate, Innovation, Law & Technology (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4456″]University of Toronto, Faculty of Law[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Taymoore Balbaa” speakerjob=”Director (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4350″]SubPac Experiential[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Blair Renaud” speakerjob=”CEO (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4290″]IRIS VR INC.[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Hillel S. Maresky, M.D.” speakerjob=”CEO, Co-Founder(Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4300″]VisionAIRy Corp.:
Artificial Intelligence, Radiology and YOU[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Michael Waite” speakerjob=”Global Manager (Tokyo)” speakeravatar=”4502″]STYLY[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Stephen Shew” speakerjob=”Co-founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4504″]Battleverse[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Heather Phenix” speakerjob=”Executive Producer (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4615″]Jam3[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Srinivas Krishna” speakerjob=”Founder & CEO (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4623″]Geogram & AWE Company[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Martin Bradstreet” speakerjob=”Founder/CEO and Creative Director (Montreal)” speakeravatar=”4506″]Martov Co.[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Maryam Sabour” speakerjob=”Immersive Technology Consultant (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4617″]X Consulting[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Maxim Khasiev” speakerjob=”Founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4560″]YODE Group Canada[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Andrew MacDonald” speakerjob=”Creative Director (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4584″]CREAM VR/AR[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Stephen Chan” speakerjob=”CEO and Founder (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4595″]Dapasoft Inc.[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Alex Berlin” speakerjob=”Co-Founder & President (Toronto)” speakeravatar=”4596″]Arvizio[/cth_speakers_item][cth_speakers_item speakername=”Jesse Damiani” speakerjob=”Editor-at-Large, VRScout & CEO, Galatea (California)” speakeravatar=”4600″]VRScout[/cth_speakers_item][/cth_speakers]
2019 Ticketing Information not yet available. Sign up for updates to be the first to know.
Recognized internationally for its high caliber, high-quality discussions, in-depth training, world-class presentations and top level speakers, VRTO brings together compelling discourse and bleeding-edge prototypes, demonstrations and innovative companies in carefully crafted schedules and environments.
While many conference focus on airing the problems and pain points in the industry, VRTO has an acute focus on searching for solutions for these problems, and testing candidates.
VRTO is always an opportunity to build powerful and long-lasting business and personal relationships, with a very open-minded and inclusive community, unafraid to ask the big questions. Furthermore, the show provides many different tools to ensure attendees find their best matches towards meeting their goals at the show.
In 2016, VRTO hosted a town hall and summit to ratify a Code of Ethics for Human Augmentation led by inventor and Meta Chief Scientist Steve Mann. Read more about the Scientific paper and code that was written at Kurzweil AI
The VRTO conference is not a Toronto VR conference – it is an international conference that takes place in and leverages the tremendous R&D community of Toronto.[/cth_featurebox][cth_featurebox icon=”computer-network-streamline” title=”Professional International Conference”]Featuring over 65 speakers and spanning three days, exploring the challenges of virtual, augmented and mixed reality conceptualization, research and development, production and postproduction, distribution and marketing, sales and metrics.[/cth_featurebox][cth_featurebox icon=”arrow-streamline-target” title=”Structured, Vetted, Business Networking & Support”]VRTO works with companies around the world to create powerful matchmaking opportunities. Submit your company to meet with some of the world’s leading producers, distributors, investors, and consultants. We are also partnered with a mobile app that will facilitate matchmaking, communication and discovery for a registered participants. All Access ticket holders, Speakers, Exhibitors and Sponsors will be invited to a private VIP networking event on opening night. A networking lounge is also available to conference ticket holders.[/cth_featurebox][cth_featurebox icon=”dashboard-speed-streamline” title=”Innovators’ Showcase”]Ranging from students and startups to established industry leaders, where you might find anything from Smart Devices, 3D Printing, IoT (Internet of Things), and meet some of the brightest young minds and companies pushing the envelope with the latest products, services, and demos.[/cth_featurebox][cth_featurebox icon=”ibook-laptop” title=”Experience Showcase”]Try out the latest games, prototypes and experiential spaces from indie and AAA studios before anyone else! Wide area free roam roomscale, state of the art treadmills, escape rooms, multiplayer Augmented Reality combat, and mind blowing indie titles. Meet face-to-face with the developers, artists and programmers![/cth_featurebox]
[/cth_featurebox][cth_featurebox icon=”headset-sound-streamline” title=”Augmented Reality Zone”]Meet developers, designers and entrepreneurs at the forefront of the Augmented Reality technology space with thoughtful, creative and even provocative demos that examine how this transformative technology will change the landscape, culture and the economy.[/cth_featurebox][cth_featurebox icon=”diving-leisure-sea-sport-streamline” title=”Health Applications for VR, including Wearables”]From personal wearable health tech, to CBT and NLP, to surgery and pain mitigation, to mindfulness and transcendentalism. Data visualization, biometrics wearables, emotional AI and more will be covered![/cth_featurebox][cth_featurebox icon=”speech-streamline-talk-user” title=”Intensive Training”]Educational and skill-development tracks. Two separate days.
Day 1 focused on many advanced imaging techniques: 3D scanning on high and low budgets. Volumetric capture and depth maps. Spherical post production workflow from Academy Award and NAB best in show winners in mono and stereoscopic and VFX pipelines.
Day 2 – focused on approaches to interactive experience design – from a foundational lecture on building VR experiences to architectural design, code-free solutions and even aesthetic approaches for creating unique interactive immersive experiences from a host of seasoned experts. Some of the products covered include BrioVR, ModBox, Unity, Touch Designer and more.[/cth_featurebox][cth_featurebox icon=”streamline-sync” title=”Game Development and Jams”]Meet a diverse cross-section of VR, AR, AAA and indie game developers in both digital and meatspace. VRTO helps to build bridges between the many communities of the game development world using a variety of methods, not limited to training, game jams, experimental play time, network events and showcases. Bring your ideas and tools and learn something new while building meaningful new relationships! Get training from world-class game designers, and discuss the future for VR and AR game development, the industry, best practices, and new technologies.[/cth_featurebox]
Be the very first to experience a special collection FIVARS 2018 selections and winners from previous years at the VRTO summer preview! An Immersive content pavilion experience curated by FIVARS (The Festival of International Virtual and Augmented Reality Stories) hosted inside the iglooVision surround theater, featuring the best immersive story-driven content from around the world with the aim of exploring and nurturing this platform for new narrative forms including several world premieres and their producers, directors and actors!
VRTO could not be possible with the generous support of our sponsors
VRTO could not be possible with the generous support of our sponsors
VRTO could not be possible with the generous support of our sponsors
VRTO could not be possible with the generous support of our sponsors
VRTOC2018 is very grateful to our media partners and friends for helping to connect the communities together. If you are interested in helping to spread the word about the VRTO Virtual & Augmented Reality World Conference & EXPO 2018, and reaching the heart of the Canadian entertainment and tech industry, please see the contact section below.
VRTOC2018 is very grateful to our community partners for supporting us in building an important platform for the Experiential Technologies industry domestically and abroad. If you are interested in helping to spread the word about the VRTO Virtual & Augmented Reality World Conference & EXPO 2018, and reaching the international Spatial Media industry through the heart of the Canadian entertainment and tech industry, please see the contact section below.
The VRTO Conference and Expo is for all ages over 13, though some demos may not accommodate minors. Tickets are non-refundable. VRTO attendance does not guarantee access to any particular demo, but rather the event as a whole.
By attending Virtual Reality Toronto Conference and Expo 2018 (aka “VRTO Virtual & Augmented Reality World Conference and Expo,” “VRTO Con,” or “VRTOC”) at [location to be determined] (“the Location”) on June15th – 18th, 2018, you release VRTO Conference and Expo, the Location, all of the event’s organizers, volunteers, employees, exhibitors, vendors and contractors from any and all liability – financial or otherwise – that may arise from my attendance at the above mentioned event. You are hereby aware that some people experience nausea, disorientation, motion sickness, general discomfort, headaches or other health issues when experiencing virtual reality.
Your entry signals your agreement to take full responsibility for these or any other consequences that may arise from attendance at VRTO Conference and Expo. Be aware that some content being exhibited is in an unfinished, prototype state, and may heighten the above sensations. Demo experiences are explicitly not intended for users under 13 years of age, and your entry signals your agreement to take full responsibility for any use of virtual reality or any other technologies exhibited at VRTO Conference and Expo by any minors in your care. By remaining on the premises you agree you will not pursue legal action against VRTO Conference and Expo, the Location, any of the event’s organizers, volunteers, employees, exhibitors, vendors, or contractors for any damages – real or perceived – arising from attendance at VRTO Conference and Expo. If you do not wish to be subject to the foregoing, please do not attend VRTO Conference and Expo.
Your attendance signals your irrevocable consent to, and authorization without compensation for VRTO, its successors, assigns, contractors and other film crews permitted by the VRTO to film at VRTO Conference and Expo, to use your likeness, voice, and to make video and audio recordings of your attendance at VRTO Conference and Expo. You are hereby aware of such recording, and relinquish your rights to any compensation for any release of these recordings in any media now extant or to be devised in the future. If you do not wish to be subject to the foregoing, please do not attend VRTO Conference and Expo.